Lassoing Burgers 101

29 Mar

Giddy up university students, if you haven’t been recruited into the Rodeo Burger circle yet, you’re missing out on precious calories. Rodeo Burgers is conveniently placed right by the university, across from the U of A hospital, and a hop and a skip away from quite a bit of residential area. After a couple weeks of looking at the menu, watching too many burger shows and countless munchies I finally made an excuse to head to the university area. It has taken over a spot on the 112 street area where a former Chinese restaurant was, Pearl Jade Restaurant if I’m not mistaken, and has become a perfect lunch/take out place for anyone that works/learns/lives in the area. One of the more interesting things about Rodeo Burger is that it has a selection of beer, not a huge selection, but a selection nonetheless. Their burgers here are fresh and handmade so expect lots of love to go in your burger, this isn’t your everyday fast food joint so expect to wait a little longer too.

When you come in you see a pretty simple menu, a couple pre-made burgers as well as customizable ones which is what makes Rodeo Burger stand out. When the counter attendant noticed the side swiping of the eyes over all the selection she asked if this was our first time here, offered help, explained some of the burgers and then asked where we heard of Rodeo Burgers, it was really nice that they offer assistance because indecisive people would be in line for ages. Of course after thinking about this place for so long it only makes sense I went with a customizable one. There was a huge selection of toppings, apparently it wasn’t even all they had just what they decided to list, along with a lot of condiment choices, and combo up with seasoned or sea salt fries and a refillable drink for 10 bones. Not too shabby !

No more then ten minutes later I received my mountain of burger. I apologize for the not so great pictures, I was sitting in the window for prime people watching seating.

The fry layout was awesome, it gave you more then the typical, “fill up the container” portion, they were scattered around the tray as well.  The fries were really crisp on the outside and REALLY soft on the inside. They were so addicting it was hard not to fill up on them before trying any burger. I went with the sea salt fries which were okay, you got more of the real french fry potato flavor rather then with the seasoned ones you got salt mouth. Now onto the burger.

This burger was big, heavy, and ready to roll into my mouth. First bite and I was in heaven. Second bite sort of falling out of heaven. Third bite, it was pretty good but definitely not the best burger I’ve had. I usually really enjoy caramelized onions but the onions on here gave it a sort of slimy texture but it was pretty easy to get over. The relish was really enjoyable for me, the cucumbers looked almost like they were cut fresh and put in for your crunchy pleasure. This burg was extremely filling, I’m surprised I finished.

Rodeo Burgers is decently priced and you are definitely getting the “bang for your buck” here. It’s nothing to call home about for flavor but the experience itself is unique (for now) and has been added to my list of “hate yourself for being too full”.

Here I’m going to shamelessly promote myself and ask you to like me on facebook.
Also special photo cred to Patrick Nybakken because my pictures didn’t turn out that great!

Rodeo Burgers
8525B 112 St

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